The problem

Rather go to the dentist than to the photographer?

For most people, it’s hard to face the camera and perform.

Even worse, if the photographer is more concerned with his equipment than with anything else. There is no such thing with us. We make pictures that focus on the human being, and so he has to be treated as well.

The solution

Beauty & Lifestyle

Business Portraits


We take the time, which needs a good picture. Time for a preliminary discussion with the customer and a subsequent conception. Good communication and personal communication with the client and our models ensures that there are no nasty surprises on the set.

We have a clear checklist of what you should or should not do before the shoot, and we are there to help our clients right from the start. Even after the shoot, we advise on image selection and post-processing.

The result

People get an image boost from the outside and a self-confidence boost from the inside. That’s why they come back and recommend us. The right clientele was attracted with our pictures, jobs were acquired, applications were successfully mastered and some pictures were also shown just with pride of kinship.

Eye training is an important aspect of our work. Seeing what’s up-to-date or what the great masters of photography have already done continues to educate us and help us keep our own style up to date.

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